Your Support Matters
Established and organized by students, Gryphon Clubs offer an opportunity for students to pursue their athletic interests while at the University of Guelph. Gryphon Clubs provide a positive, inclusive culture that encourages participation at a competitive level while having fun. While Clubs can apply for some funding through the Department of Athletics in the form of grants, to sustain their programs, Gryphon Clubs are primarily funded by the students themselves.
Make an Impact
The goal of the Gryphon Club enhancement fund program is to raise funds to support and enhance each of the Department of Athletics’ clubs. For example, funds can be used to purchase team equipment and apparel, support competition registration and travel or provide additional training aids; all with the intent of improving the student-athlete experience and making our clubs more competitive.
About Women’s Football
The Women’s football club is a competitive, contact-flag football team that competes in two leagues during the school year. The Waterloo Women’s Football League (WWFL) consists of 7v7 flag football tournaments in September and October, and the Ontario Women’s Intercollegiate Football Association (OWIFA) consists of 11v11 contact-flag tournaments from January to March. Women’s contact flag-football is played as full-contact on the offensive and defensive lines while receivers and quarterbacks wear flags. The Women’s football team offers the opportunity for women athletes to participate in a typically male-dominated sport at an intercollegiate level. All skill levels are welcome to play!