Colleen McElwain

Amy Atkinson


Jim Harper

Supporting current and future OAC Aggies!

OAC 1980s

Rakhal Sarker

Paul Klosler

Gary Galbraith

Christina Crowley-Arklie

Happy 150th OAC! So proud to be 'Aggie' from the college on the hill. #ForeverAGryphon

OAC 2000s

Wayne Caldwell

John Cranfield

Mary Ruth McDonald

Earl Pollock

My experience and education at OAC during the 1970's provided a great basis for the next 50 years of my life from employment to friends.

OAC 1970s

Paul Sibley

Morag Stewart

Happy Anniversary OAC!!!! To all the incredible alumni, donors and volunteers we get to work with on a daily basis, you are amazing and inspiring in your loyalty and dedication to the college. Thank you!

OAC 1990s

Howard Cornwell

in the spirit of the 68 OAC Bursary

OAC 1960s

Leah Serafini

Annie Benko

Shannon Fawns

Jana Miller

Happy birthday, OAC!

OAC 150 Campaign

Craig Oster