Sam Kosakowski$1000.00
Wally Gabler$10.00
Go Gryphons!
Ian and Angelique Richardson$150.00
Jeremy Overton$50.00
Thorin Gault$100.00
Paula Jorgensen$25.00
Darlene and Rick Hyatt$50.00
Sarah Robert$75.00
Go Gryphs!
Paul Evans$100.00
Colin Comrie$50.00
In memory of David A Mclean Uof G alumni
Mary Ritter$100.00
Go Gryphons!
Rob Scott$50.00
Tyrone DeBrouwer$100.00
Matthew MacNeill$25.00
Go Gryphs!
Kate Jorgensen$10.00
Peter Koschanow$333.00
Congratulations on an excellent year. Well done boys!
Scott and Suzanne Hyatt$200.00
Martin and Sue Stanley$500.00
Mary MacLeod Lindsay$25.00
Lisa Drekic$50.00
Thanks for sharing your passion for soccer Jordan, we love supporting your journey. Go Gryphons!